Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's Raining

   Well it finally started raining here, rained a little yesterday, but started raining really good late last night and is supposed to rain all day today. I don't think it's gonna cause any flooding, but it will leave pocket's of water for panning.

   So I'm thinking I might head south of Prescott on sunday to do some exploring, This is my favorite thing to do in the winter, and it can really pay off. Patience is the key here, and you really have to like hiking. The more ground you cover, the more likely you are to find a sweet spot.

   Sample any wash you find no matter how small it is. The first thing to look for is exposed bedrock, if you dont find any try working a few boulder piles. This should give you an idea of what kind of gold is hiding in that wash.

Well I guess I should get to work, though I really want to go panning this morning.

Good luck out there,
